Here is Cyndy...Just before delivery (This morning)

Here is our newest arrival...Ella Samantha Stephenson!!!

There's a very cute momma with our little Ella...
Just after delivery.
Very happy parents!!
And of course a very pleased and content grandma Ruth.
Congratulations!! We are so happy for your family!
Mike was so excited when you call yesterday. We are happy for all of you. Thanks for the update!
Cindy, Give me your secret! You look great after giving birth! You have to tell me so when I have kids and we take pictures I will look good! ;) We are so happy for your family! I miss you guys and your family! I can't believe that Sarah is 4! Holy Cow! Wow! Much love to your family!
Thanks for the post... this is my first look at the number 10 grandchild while here at Fort Carson, CO. Welcome Ella.
Papa Phranque
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