Monday, July 26, 2004

Hello! My name is Sarah Ellen Stephenson. This picture was a birthday present for my Dad (July 22). My Mom's birthday was July 20, and MY birthday was July 16, 2004. Here's my story...

This is my mom about one hour before her water broke on July 16, 2004. She just finished a makeup party at Grandma Suzie's. She didn't know I was coming that day....hee hee

Here are Mom and Dad anxiously awaiting my arrival at the hospital. I had to wait and give them enough time to sign a bunch of paperwork.

Uncle Jesse came to bring my dad a change of clothes (he came from work to meet mom at the hospital). Notice my mom isn't smiling as much. That's because I was on my way, only a couple of hours...

I finally made it here at 10:00 pm.

This is the hospital bassinet. I didn't really like it.

This hospital bed isn't the most comfortable for Dad. His feet hang off the end!

I sleep much better next to my dad.

I'm getting wrapped up to go home. I can't wait!

Ahh! I'm home at last. Now I can really relax.

I sleep even better snuggled up with my Daddy. Do you like the bunny on my shirt? Our friend, Debbie Bush, painted it just for me!

I'm bonding with my big brother, Tyler.

My brother is so proud of me! I can't wait until my hair is long enough to do like his!!

My cousin Brandi couldn't wait to come and see me!

My cousin Amber came too.

This is my uncle Jesse, and big brother Tyler.

I need lots of kisses!

This is a gorgeous cake my mom's friend, Cari Walker, made just for me!!


I like this bouncy seat, especially when it's on vibrate mode.

This was the night of my first bath at home! How do you like my cool bathrobe?

That's it for now. I'm all bathed and ready for bed - as soon as I get something else to eat besides my thumb!