Tomorrow (Cinco de Mayo) morning at 6am I am being induced!!! The kids are excited about the new baby sister. Sarah (almost 4 now) has a pretty good understanding about what's going to happen. She often pats my belly and talks about the baby. She says things to me like, "Mommy, when the baby comes out of your tummy, then you can run faster!" She gets a little impatient with how slowly I walk these days. She keeps getting one of the cute little baby dresses out of the drawer and saying, "Here's a fancy dress for the baby sister!" Today she asked if the baby was dressed in there. I told her no, the baby is naked, but when she comes out we'll put a diaper and clothes on her. Then Sarah patted my belly and said, "She's taking a bath!" Jason talks about it a little, but not as much as Sarah. He loves to read one of the books we got from the library called, "I'm a Big Brother."

We finally got a MINIVAN!!!!! Just in time for the new baby. Now Tyler doesn't have to squish between car seats. Last week Shane took both babies and Tyler and 2 of his friends to the skate shop to get stuff for the skate boards. I LOVE having it, and the kids love that they are sitting up higher and have a good view of everything outside.