Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Quick Update...

Today I took Jason in for his 3 month check up and shots. He is 25 inches long and weighs 14 lbs 13 oz!! He grew one whole inch since his 2 month check up, and he's now wearing 6-9 month clothes. He's in the 75th percentile for weight, and the 90th percentile for height (surprise, surprise...). Sarah is cuter than ever with her hair getting long and curly, and her big brown eyes framed with dark eyelashes. Shane is sporting a new look (you'll see in the next picture), and Tyler has decided to grow his hair out. Mom is just mom. I'm growing my hair out, and I'd like to lose some weight, but for now I'm just happy if I get a little extra sleep and the kids get fed and diapers changed. Enjoy some pictures from last month...

Here are Jason and Shane in their Sunday clothes. How do you like Shane's mustache? He's been growing it since Jason was born. He says he's going to keep it until we do family pictures in a couple of weeks, then he'll shave it off. I think it looks kind of cool on him, in a rugged manly sort of way.

Jason has lots of fun with Grandma Suzie. We're glad she and Grandpa Frank live nearby. We wish Grandma Ruth and Papa Steve could be closer....

Here is an adorable jogging suit that the Wyricks sent us. It fit him long enough for the last of the cold weather, and by the time it started getting really warm here he had outgrown it.

This outfit was from one of my piano students (his mom, actually). They gave it to me in December on the last night I taught him a piano lesson. I didn't know it at the time, but I was in labor during his lesson. I came home from teaching that night having hard labor pains, packed my bag, and went to the hospital.

Here we are at the Orlando Temple with our friends, Lisa and Matthijs Neufeldt (I'm sure I spelled it wrong). They came over from the Netherlands for their sealing.

Here is Sarah in a cute frilly dress the Loyds gave her. It's a little big, but she LOVES it! When we put it on her she kept turning around and holding up the ruffles on the skirt. She's definitely a girly-girl. Today we went to Payless, and she got really excited over all the cute girly shoes!!

Sarah started potty training, but it's going slowly because I can't always rush her to the potty when she needs to go. She's usually in her pull-ups at home or a diaper when we go out, but she likes to practice in the meantime. She knows how to get the seat out, then put it away when she's done. She also likes to flush the toilet and wave "bye bye" as the water is swirling down the drain. As you can see, she likes to pass the time with a good book while she's sitting there.

101 Dalmations is one of her favorite books.

Sarah loves to hang out with her big brother, Tyler.

Sarah loves to help take care of Jason. She sits down on the floor and reaches up for him when she wants to hold him. She climbs up next to me on the couch when I'm feeding him and gives him kisses. She wipes the drool off his mouth when he's sitting in his little chair in the house. She's a great big sister.

Oh, Jason's upset about something....

It's okay, don't cry!

Mom tries to cheer him up.

Dad can always get a smile out of him.

Now he's really happy!